Placement test
What is that and why do I have to take it?


Why should I take a placement test? 

  • It helps us to find a suitable course for YOU in a quick and reliable way.
  • It helps YOU to find your individual course level in order to guarantee effective learning results. With the right placement you can also be sure that you and your course colleagues are on a homogenous level and can learn effectively together. 
  • Your level can be different from what you think even if you have already finished a level or obtained a certificate.  

Why can my level be different from what I thought? 

  • If you use German often your level might be higher than you think! 
  • If you rarely or never use German actively or if you took your last course a while ago your level might be lower than before.

To be sure: Our professional German placement test is quick and helps us find the suitable course for YOU! 

Do I have to take a placement test if I want to register for a course with DIALOG? 

Yes, the written placement test is mandatory in order to participate in one of our courses. This way we can guarantee homogenous courses for effective learning results.  


Where can I find the placement test? 

Click here for the A-level test and here for the B/C-level test. 

How does the placment test work? 

German placement test A-Level/B/C-Level

  1. Follow the link:  A-level  | B/C-level
  2. Fill in your name and email-address. Optionally you can also fill in your company’s name.
  3. Let us know if you already participated in a course and which level you finished. 
  4. Agree to our GTOs by ticking the box.  
  5. The test is multiple choice. This means you click on the answer you think is the correct one.
  6. When you are done on page 1 you can continue to page 2. 
  7. At the end of page 2 (for the B/C-level: page 4) click on SENDEN
  8. We will send you our course recommendation via email.


How much is the placement test? 

  • DIALOG’s placement test is free – it costs you 0,00€ (regular value: €15,00) and it is nonbinding that means you are not enrolled in a course by taking the test.* 

*The result that you receive via email is a percentage value and a recommended level. For a detailed analysis of your test with answers and corrections there is a fee required. 

How long does the test take?

Depending on the person the test takes 10 to 30 minutes.

Can I use resources such as the internet, a dictionary or a German speaking friend/relative? 

We ask you to take the test without help since that would distort your results. ;) 

Is there also an offline test? 

There is no written offline test. You can however take an oral placement test in case you should not want to work with a computer.

Can I take the test at DIALOG?

Of course you can also take our placement test at DIALOG-Der Sprachcampus. 


When are oral placement tests done? 

If the written results are unclear and only in way of a definite course request. 

What happens during the oral placement test? 

When we “test” your level in a verbal way you can imagine this rather like a conversation than a test. We talk casually with you (no need to be nervous ;) and ask specific questions in order to assess your grammar knowledge and your German level in detail. 

How long does the oral placement conversation take? 

The oral placement takes about 5-10 minutes. 

Can I also do an oral placement if I am not currently in Austria? 

Yes, that is not a problem. We can also talk on the phone.

Can I only do an oral placement test and skip the written one? 

That is only possible for conversational trainings. For all other course types you are required to also take the written test. 


Are there different tests for different levels? 

There is a test for the the A-levels (A1.1 to A2.2) and a test for B- and C-levels (B1.1 to C1.2). 

A1.1 – ca. 5%
A1.2 – ca. 15%
A2.1 – ca. 24%
A2.2 – ca. 33%
A2.2 – ca. 33%
B1.1 – ca. 41%
B1.2 – ca. 49%
B2.1 – ca. 57%
B2.2 – ca. 66%
C1.1 – ca. 76%
C1.2 – ca. 86%
C2.1 – ca. 90%
C2.2 – ca. 100%

Here you may find more information on all language levels: 

How do I pick the right level test for me? 

If you are between levels A1.1 and B1.1. we ask you to take our A-level test. Should you be between levels B1.2 and C1.2 we ask you to take the B/C-level test. If you do not have any German knowledge at all your level is A1.1 and you do not need to take a placement test. In case you are unsure which test is the right one for you feel free to contact us at

What happens if I do too well/too bad on the test or if I have questions concerning my results? 

If your results do not concur with your self assessment we offer an additional oral placement for YOU.  

Should you do very well on the A-level test or  not have enough percentage on the B/C-level test to qualify for one of those courses we will contact you and send you the suitable placement test. 

Ready to take the test? 

Test A-Level

Test B/C-Level

We are looking forward to your results! 

Do you have questions that weren’t answered? Just contact us at or visit us in our office to talk in person!