German Course C1


In your German C1 course you will learn to express yourself competently and to read demanding texts. In addition, your vocabulary will be expanded to a high level and your grammar skills will be improved in detail. This course is for advanced learners and leads to a competent use of the language for privat and professional purposes.

DIALOG is looking forward to assist you with the language level C1.

German C1 Intensive

The German Intensive course C1 (C1.1 or C1.2) starts where the German course B2 ended and helps you to a much more advanced language level.

German C1 Perfection

Here you will find a perfect and active course if you want to refresh or perfect your knowledge at the C1 level. It´s tailored for people who already finished the level C1 before. Learn more.

How much is the
German course C1 in Vienna?

Price* Course description
€ 349,00

1 month

Offer for Newcomers:

German C1.1 or C1.2

Intensive course on the level C1.1 or C1.2 incl. 1 DIALOG workshop

Dates | Times | Course content | Register now >>

€ 748,00

2 months

Offer for Newcomers: German C1.1 & C1.2

Intensive course on the level C1.1 &  C1.2 incl. 1 DIALOG workshop

Dates | Times | Course content | Register now >>


1 month

Regular price: German course C1.1 or C1.2

Intensive course German C1.1 or C1.2

Dates | Times | Course content | Register now >>

€ 798,00

2 months

Regular price: German course C1.1 & C1.2

Intensive course C1.1 & C1.2

Dates | Times | Course content | Register now >>

*Prices include extra material and copies. Course books are not included. Optionally available at DIALOG: € 29.

Discounts and package prices

Save up to 50% with special discounts and package prices e. g.
Intensive + Conversation, booking of more than 3 months, students

Discounts and package prices

Nächste Kurstermine

05.08.2024 Register now >>
02.09.2024 Register now >>
30.09.2024 Register now >>
28.10.2024 Register now >>
11.11.2024 Register now >>
25.11.2024 Register now >>
08.01.2025 Register now >>
05.02.2025 Register now >>

C1 Deutschkurse in Wien  finden ganzjährig statt.

Schülerinen beim Planen - Deutschkurstermine
Inteniv Deutschkurs Gruppenfoto

Course times

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

  • 09:00 – 11:45
  • 12:15 – 15:00
  • 15:30– 18:15

We offer one time per level each month. If you want to receive more information on exact times this month please contact We are looking forward to your mail.

Lajos Czirják
Lajos Czirják
8. November, 2022.
Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist.
Enrollment was easy, very helpful and kind team... 🙂 well, let's start... I want to write the next post in German... 🥴
Keith Durrant
Keith Durrant
20. Oktober, 2022.
Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist.
I booked a short course at this school. The school was well managed, bright and airy. I started from scratch and quickly learned a lot in a short space of time. My only regret was that I did not have the time to spend the whole month there. My teacher was Michael and he was absolutely brilliant. I recommend this school.
Bojan Rakita
Bojan Rakita
9. September, 2022.
Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist.
Supernice people. Good and very relaxed atmosphere. Learning in small groups. No pressure.. they really invest time in explanation and providing answers. Both live and remote attendance in courses is possible.
Cordilia Chiunye
Cordilia Chiunye
5. September, 2022.
Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist.
Its a place to be when you are a beginner in German language, warm welcoming,friendly and helpful staff members who spreads a positive vibe nomatter what time of the day it is💓
Yulia Venneker
Yulia Venneker
28. August, 2022.
Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist.
Incredible school, amazing atmosphere and delightful teachers. These factors made my son fall in love with German and greedy for getting more and more new knowledge. Thank you, guys!!!!! We are with you!!!
4. August, 2022.
Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist.
Sehr Gute Institut! Empfehlenswert. Lg

What do you learn in the C1 German course?
Here is your course content.


  • Knowledge from German course B2

In the C1 German course, the knowledge from the B2 German course is consolidated and supplemented with further grammatical structures. You will learn to express yourself in a clear, structured and detailed way. After completing the language course you will be able to:

  • understand a wide range of demanding texts.
  • express yourself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words often.
  • use the language effectively and flexibly in social and professional life.

The DIALOG language course is divided into two levels (C1.1 and C1.2) and is conducted as usual with a maximum of 5-10 participants.

Further information:

Course material: Sicher! C1 Part 1 (C1.1) | Sicher! C1 Part 2 (C1.2)

Language levels according to CEFR: German C1 | Levels: C1.1 and C1.2

Exam preparation: ÖSD Certificate German Austria C1 | telc C1

C1.1 – 1 month | C1.2 – 1 month

Complete a level in just one month!

With the Newcomer Package for only € 748,00 you can start now!

For new clients: 1x German course C1.1 & 1x C1.2 (2 months) | 1 x DIALOG workshop (1-2 hours)

German Course C1.1
What you should know!

In the first section of the C1 German course you will work on your listening, reading and writing skills on specialized topics from scientific and social life. All topics are based on your previous knowledge of German from level B2. Our language trainers will teach you specialized vocabulary and show you practical content for your German grammar.

Your German language skills after the German intensive course C1.1:


Talking about complex topics


At the beginning of the C1.1 German course you will learn to speak spontaneously and fluently about various specialized topics that deal with complex issues and can help you in your professional and social life. You will be able to express your thoughts and opinions precisely and to elaborate on certain aspects.

Finally, you can understand long, complex non-fiction and literary texts and perceive differences in style, as well as understand technical articles and longer technical instructions.

These are the topics we use to expand your vocabulary

  • Modern Life
    discuss technical progress
  • Social changes
    compare today and the past
  • Tourism
    plan travels together
  • Communication in a hotel
    making calls
  • Intelligence and knowledge
    discuss changes
  • New scientific findings
  • express opinions in writing
  • My workplace
    understand professional articles
  • Official and personal emails
    apply different styles of speech
  • Art
    analyze professional articles
  • Surveys
    make assessments
  • Studies
    discuss study offers
  • Intercultural communication
    understand a lecture

Grammar topics on the level C1.1

Beyond practical vocabulary, in this part of the course we will cover new grammar topics and deepen those already learned.

Grammar topics on the language level C1.1
Prefixes to verbs it as a mandatory and non-mandatory element
Subjective meaning of modal verbs Graduation of adjectives
Two-part concessive connectors Questions and imperative in indirect speech
Modalverbs and their alternatives Indirect speech with prepositions
Irreal following-sentences Prepositions with Dativ
Fixed noun-verb compounds Suffixes to nouns
Adjective declension after article words Reference words in the text

In order to consolidate German grammar correctly, our approach is to explain all the points to you in an understandable way and we teach you how to put them into practice. From experience we also know that often the correct oral application of grammar is difficult. To help you with this, speaking exercises and activities are used from the beginning.

German Course C1.2
All the information you need!

The second section also focuses on your listening, reading and writing skills in German. Upon completion, you will be able to give an analysis of your German course in Vienna. You will finally be able to understand TV shows and movies without too much trouble.

Your German language skills after the German intensive course C1.2:


These exciting topics will be covered…

  • Finance
    discuss measures
  • Payment transactions
    understand a radio report
  • Psychology
    classify professional articles
  • Personality & behavior
    follow professional presentations
  • Urban and rural life
    write forum posts
  • Ecology
    debate about the future
  • Literature
    analyze short stories
  • Ingredients for texts
    write literary texts
  • Intercultural
    report misunderstandings
  • International business contacts
  • Research
    comment on methods
  • Technology
    write advertising texts

Grammar C1.2

We perfect your grammar and cover new topics again. With active exercises, practical examples and clear explanations, we consolidate your previously acquired grammar skills at the C1 level.

Grammar topics on the level C1.2
Verbal and nominal style Temporal connections
Causal connections Variations of sentence order
Gerundive as passive clause Consecutive and modal connections
Aspect shift with modal verbs Comparisons
Conditional and consecutive connections Prepositions with Genitiv
Adjectives and participles with prepositions Participial clauses

Language levels


Language levels of our German courses according to CEFR:

German course C1.1 or C1.2?

Which of the two parts is suitable for you can be easily clarified with our DIALOG placement test.