I can now maintain social contacts in German

After completing his Master’s degree in Civil Engineering/Architecture at the University Federico II in Naples, Gaetano gained valuable intercultural and professional experience through several Erasmus programmes in Romania and Portugal. He has been living and working in Vienna since 2018, where he completed his doctorate at BOKU in 2022 on the subject of ecological architecture.

Here in Vienna, he completed German levels B1.2 to C1.1 in our intensive courses at our DIALOG language school from September 2024 to January 2025 & improved his communication skills in conversation training B2/C1. After a winter break, he plans to continue his “German adventure”.

Gaetano particularly appreciates the professional and supportive atmosphere at DIALOG, which has helped him to continuously improve his language skills.

Do you want to learn a new language too? Find out here how Gaetano has benefited from the German course programme at our language school. Let’s go!

Customer care & atmosphere at DIALOG

DIALOG : How did the personal support at DIALOG – DER SPRACHCAMPUS help you and what influence did it have on your German learning success?

GAETANO : I didn’t need any additional individual support at DIALOG, but I attended the courses in person and felt very comfortable with the trainers. The team in the office was also always quick and helpful.

DIALOG: How did you find the atmosphere? Did it help you to feel comfortable and motivated when learning German?

GAETANO: The atmosphere at DIALOG was pleasant and motivating. I felt comfortable in the courses and was able to learn in a relaxed manner.

Trainers & teaching methods

DIALOGUE: How did the trainers support you in learning German? What specific aspects of the courses did you particularly like?

GAETANO : The trainers at DIALOG were always patient and very committed. I particularly liked the many practical exercises and the interaction in the group. They explained difficult topics clearly so that I was able to understand them well.

DIALOG: Which teaching methods and technologies helped you to improve your German language skills?

GAETANO: The use of interactive materials and exercises helped me a lot to improve my German. Having access to the lesson notes by email was a great help in reviewing what I had learnt. Being able to correct homework by email outside of course hours also greatly supported my learning.

Course & additional offer

DIALOG : Did the German courses and the additional programme (such as workshops or “Feierabendbier“) help you to feel more comfortable in the new city and to use your language skills in real-life situations?

GAETANO : The German courses at DIALOG have helped me to feel much more confident in the German language. I haven’t used any additional programmes yet, but thanks to the courses I can now maintain social contacts in German rather than English.

DIALOG: Did you benefit from the flexibility of the lesson times? Was it possible to combine your German courses with other commitments?

GAETANO : I benefited from the flexibility of the lesson times, as there were many options. As I was on educational leave, I also had enough time to consolidate what I had learnt at home.

Resources & self-study

DIALOG: Which technical aids (websites, apps, etc.) have helped you to improve your German language skills?

GAETANO: Wiktionary is the best website for me to learn German. It offers precise information on word types, plural forms, verb conjugations and example sentences. I find the clear structure and the ability to look everything up quickly particularly helpful.

DIALOG: What else has helped you with your learning? How did you improve your German outside of the courses?

GAETANO: It has helped me to speak more German with other people in my situation. I try to speak only German, even with people with whom I normally speak English, Italian or Spanish.

Learning German in Vienna

DIALOG: What are your favourite words or phrases in (Austrian) German? And which ones do you find rather funny?

GAETANO: The first German word I learned was “evil”, and it immediately became my favourite word, even though the meaning is negative. I would love to name a cat that, similar to the Neapolitan film ” Ricomincio da tre “, where the protagonist (funnily enough, he is also called Gaetano like me!) explains that a name can influence behaviour. A long name like “Massimiliano” leaves too much time for mischief, while a short name like “Ugo” brings immediate attention. So “evil” would be a perfect name: short, concise and wonderfully ironic!

I also like to exclaim, “What on earth happened??” when things fall to the floor, and I find it very funny to end emails with “Yours sincerely” as a parting phrase.

DIALOG: Is Vienna a good city to learn German ?

GAETANO: Since I had no knowledge of German when I arrived in Vienna and still managed to learn everything here and survive at the same time, I would definitely say: Yes!

DIALOG: Do you have any other tips for settling in?

GAETANO: My advice is to just keep at it and not get discouraged, even if sometimes it seems like you are not making enough progress. Learning German is doable for everyone as long as you put in the effort! When I came to Vienna, I didn’t even know “yes” and “no”, so I would recommend starting with that .

DIALOG: What is the best thing to do in Vienna if you need a break from learning German?

GAETANO: A walk at the Naschmarkt, the Hof or around Karlsplatz is a perfect break for me. I also love to ride my bike to the Danube Island. Mariahilfer Straße is one of my favorite places and in fact I also chose DIALOG because of its nearby location!

Learning Success & Conclusion

DIALOG: Do you feel that the course has given you the necessary tools to communicate successfully in a German-speaking environment?

GAETANO: Yes, I feel more confident and well prepared to communicate in a German-speaking environment. The course not only taught me the language, but also gave me the confidence to actively use German.

DIALOGUE: What is still difficult for you in everyday life, even though you can already communicate well in German?

GAETANO: I still don’t remember enough words, which is sometimes frustrating. I have problems with separable verbs in particular, because there are so many and I don’t always remember their meaning. When I use them intuitively, I often get it wrong. It’s a shame that German and Italian have very few words in common.

DIALOG: How did DIALOG – DER SPRACHCAMPUS meet your expectations of a German course and would you recommend the school to others?

GAETANO: DIALOG completely met my expectations. I had courses with five different trainers and all of them were excellent. The organization is fantastic, especially the fast and efficient communication via email . The location is great and I love walking on Mariahilfer Straße before or after the course

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If you would like to get to know DIALOG as a language school and experience Gaetano’s experience for yourself, click here to get started. We wish you just as much success in learning German.

Here you can get an insight into our additional material: Learning material for A2

January 2025